European Construction Research Network
Grant agreement ID: G1RT-CT-2001-05035
Duration: October 2001 – March 2005
The Thematic Network E-CORE “European Construction Research Network” has as general objective to promote the development of European networking in order to achieve a better co-ordination of efforts and a more rapid diffusion of results so as to ensure that research activity generates real innovation for construction and related industries.
By bringing together and collating results from European, national and regional RTD initiatives and following a pro-active Technology Watch approach, E-CORE seeks to become the electronic reference point in Europe for obtaining information on the state-of-the-art and the status of RTD in the construction sector. E-CORE further endeavours to facilitate dissemination of cutting edge technology and its implementation, to identify knowledge gaps and to advise on RTD strategies for the construction sector at the European level. As such, E-CORE would specifically contribute towards establishing a European Research Area as defined in the Communication of Commissioner Busquin on behalf of the construction industry.
The following main objectives have specifically been identified for E-CORE:
– To establish a single access point where information on national and pan-European construction research projects can be obtained that have been recently finished, are on-going and/or are in an advanced planning stage and to foster, where possible, synergy and collaboration between related projects. Analysis of this information will promote the provision of advice on “blind spots” in construction RTD and to initiate synergy between emerging actions seeking to address such “spots”. Specifically it will allow and is expected to initiate and promote networking on strategic construction RTD topics.
– To contribute in the field of construction to an effective information flow in view of the European Research Area (Communication of Commissioner Busquin). In particular to increase the awareness in standardisation committees of ongoing relevant RTD work and to promote in this way the transfer of RTD results to relevant standardisation work. References to E-CORE in standardisation work will facilitate monitoring the impact of the network in this respect.
– To provide a channel for filtering technology that might have useful applications in construction against the dual requirements of the technology’s contribution to the improvement of productivity (leading to better value for the customer) and sustainable development. In this respect, a particular objective is to further stimulate SMEs both to participate in RTD actions and to benefit from the RTD efforts of others.
– To identify RTD needs for the sector and the development of a RTD strategy for the European construction sector.